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Contact me for any questions!

Here are my typical services:

New Project Audit

I review your planned project for feasibility and risks. This generally delivers outsized value, especially in using my expertise to tell you what mistakes to avoid.

This is done within either a Quick Consultation or Short Engagement (see below).

Machine Learning system Proof of Concept

I make prototype ML systems for companies. Here are common usecases

This is typically within a Medium Engagement (see below). It can include a new project audit to discuss feasibility and limitations of your idea.

Custom Research Report

I provide ad hoc research reports based on a a deep analysis of your data and/or publicly available data.

The report makes direct recommendations for corporate strategy, project review, or risk analysis. This post on price manipulation gives an idea of the kind of depth, and breadth to expect in my ad hoc research work.

This is a short or medium engagement (see below) depending on the complexity of the project.

Troubled project turnaround

Assessment of a troubled project (over budget/deadline, underperformance, technical debt). The assessment itself fits withing a Short Engagement. After assessment, further steps to be taken can be negotiated.


I speak on topics related to machine learning, economics, and their intersection. Time on stage varies from 20min to 2h.


Price is a flat fee per engagement:

Payment terms: For quick consultation and short engagements: half upfront, half on delivery of final report. For medium and long engagements, 30 days up front, and billing every 4 weeks.